
Stardoll's Playboy Magazine started being developed in early May 2010 with no staff apart from Chloe Raving's (Style_Rave) and the magazine was sooner released the middle of the month. The magazine had really bad graphics and had bad reviews of public but people reviewed that they found it hilarious, and it was blogged about in several blogs such as The Stardoll Freakshow, I could possibly say the issue was rated *

Then after the first playboy magazine came out I developed yet again another playboy magazine which became very unsuccesfull, and came out in the very beginning of June and had yet again bad graphics and had hardly any viewers, but lots of viewers said they found it hilarious yet again but very scruffy = rough edges. But the magazine was roughly rated **.

Then about a week later after the second playboy magazine released the big question was will there be a returning of the magazine? But the magazine stayed quite until July and I revealed there would be yet another Playboy Magazine but with the following

  • better graphics
  • better articles
  • and Very Sensible